Amy picked Colorado for her state today. The girls each made a page and then fizzled out a little sooner than normal (at least for Amy). They started playing (mixed with a little fighting) while I finished my page.
I decided to introduce bones next and spent a few minutes looking for a fun way to do it. We ended up with a coloring page that helps you identify major bones and a toddler sized puzzle of a skeleton. The girls all lay on it to compare size. We sang "Skull, shoulder bones, patella, metatarsels" (head, shoulders, knees, and toes.) We watched a few awesome youtubes of "Dem Bones." (Check them out. I loved them.) Amy told me my activity was fun. :)
Noel chose trace hands and feet for her activity.
Uncle Remus came (me with Uncle Remus voice) to say clean up so we can read about Brer Rabbit. So we did.
At that point, we were done for a while. It was late lunch time.
Later Eliza and I sang happy birthday to Benjamin.
Amy had chosen T-ball for her activity, and when we were ready to play, it just so happened that about 10 neighborhood kids were here. So we played a full on t-ball game. Most kids were little so we were helping with rules. It turned out pretty fun. Amy got to be the team captain since it was her activity.
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