Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday September 10, 2014

Choosing Day: Mom

Opening Prayer: Amy

Move Your Body: Echo rhythms.

Water Class.

Stand and Share: Shanigans. Everyone wanted to share a ton and fight. Amy earned a consequence.

Memorize Class: Same as usual.

Pledge of Allegiance: I did by myself. Attitudes were iffy at this point.

Class: Picture book bio of Beatrix Potter. Amy sate at most of class and read the Book of Mormon instead. She finally got curious and came over. It was interesting. The girls learned what a governess is (which made them want to watch Sound of Music. Who doesn't want to watch Sound of Music?) They also decided to get down all of our Beatrix Potter books and see if we have them all. (We don't, but we have a lot of them.)

Activity: Mental Blox. I won this cool game at the homeschool conference from a drawing. It has brightly colored different shaped blocks. You can build structures. They have cards with suggestions. The kids played with them however they wanted while I took care of Benjamin and bathroom break. They wanted to use the card suggestions to copy. They could copy just fine. What was harder to understand and do was follow the suggestions on the card that added to the pictured structures. It's really a bit advanced for them. But just playing and using their imaginations isn't. I like them to just get to do whatever they want with things like this.

Family Reading: Little Britches

Break/ Free Play Time. I struggled with some anxiety all morning, and by this point didn't feel up to dealing with work.

Family Work: (I listened to something yesterday that differentiated between chores and family work in how it is done and how it is perceived. I love the idea of it and am going to start calling this family work now.) All that said, attitudes were struggling today, mine especially. Even after the break I wasn't up to much. I kept working but felt annoyed by shenanigans and the mess. We were trying to clean the toy room which was quite messy. I finally snapped when a box was dropped on Benjamin's head (no big injury but still.) I took another break to calm down. When I came back, the mess was bigger (expected.) We decided we'll finish tomorrow.


Reading/ Writing/ Drawing Class: I tried to change the name to literacy class, but Amy doesn't like the idea. Amy and I wrote back and forth about books. I wrote Matt stuff on chat to help me with my mental health. I brainstormed limiting beliefs I want to replace. I read a Conference talk and part of Teach the Children. Noel colored a skeleton. Amy read Horton Hears a Who and a book about the Stupids (which we call the Sillies.) Amy traced Mental Blox and made structures out of the pictures she drew. Very cool.

Lots of struggles today with attitude and mood. It's a success when we keep trying to make things work and when we make things work under more difficult circumstances. Today was the first day that was somewhat difficult for this school year (sixth day, pretty cool to have 5 wonderful ones). I am learning a lot about how to handle things and getting good feedback about this year. I am so grateful I can homeschool.

Closing Prayer: Mom

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