Thursday, October 16, 2014

Fall Break Week

Since this week is fall break, we changed things up a bit. Monday I planned a game marathon, but the kids (mostly Amy leading) were obsessed with Art. Including sidewalk chalk. So we did that. We eventually played one matching game with the US Presidents. When we started I was amused with Eliza and her antics and not knowing how to play (since she's 3). By the end I was annoyed and impatient and concerned she'd lose the cards all over. Doh.

Tuesday was a library day. Story time. Checking out TONS of books. That was it for school. We came home and read some and just had a fun great day.

Wednesday I went to Strongbrook Women's Empowerment Group meeting. The kids played with other toddlers and home schooled kids. Then we bought a couple presents for birthday parties upcoming. (I would call that not having school.)

Today was a reading marathon. I invited the girls to come in their pajamas and read on my bed. I read to them picture books and our chapter books. I studied things I wanted to. I started a book that I am previewing for Amy to check for appropriateness. Amy and I agreed that we want to do those more often. Not sure what the other girls thought. Noel seemed to have a good time much of the time. But I think she would have liked it more if I read her whatever she wanted the whole time. I think in the future it would be good for me to not have my own agenda of books I want to read and study and be ready to just read with the kids a ton. I think that will help them enjoy it more.

It's been a fun week.

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