Yesterday was library day. Then we played Parcheesi, read picture books, had reading and writing class, and cleaned living room and kids' bedrooms for family work (not too messy.)
Today we started the day with a game we picked up from the P.E.R.C. (part of our library that lends games and puzzles and toys and all sorts of learning things). It involved adding, subtracting, and multiplying. We really hadn't discussed subtraction or multiplication yet, so I briefly explained it and didn't make the younger kids really do it yet. But Amy got it. She won as fast as is possible in that game to win (luck mostly). Fun game.
Then we had a huge break to deal with emotions and consequences and instructions.
For family reading time, we read a math picture book about measurement.
Family work was folding and putting away a load of laundry (and encouraging Amy to have a good attitude about it.)
Then we got out measuring tapes and rulers, inspired by our picture book. I taught them the basics, and we measured a few things. (We measured our feet. I kept saying, "your foot is not a foot" because none of our feet are a foot long. When I measured Eliza's foot she asked, "Do I no have a toe?" :))We also talked about which yard we were taller than, the front yard or the back. :)
Lunch. We discussed the term "units of measurement." I also told them they could have the m&ms from last night's babysitter if they could tell me how many each kid gets.
After lunch I got blankets and pillows set up in the living room. I invited the girls to join me for a tucking story event. (Tucking stories are storied told to children when they are being tucked into bed. My mom's term.) From the time my parents often told the kids the tucking stories, they most often refer to stories told about the teller's childhood. I wanted to tell them a tiny tucking story about my math experience as a child, how I loved it and made up problems to do on my own. They were excited to come to the event but then had a huge fight over who gets what pillow and what blanket. So the event was cancelled (maybe postponed.)
Reading and writing class was fun. I read a story to Eliza. Noel did a reading lesson and part of another. I finished my last Magic Tree House Fact Tracker that we had checked out for our trip. Amy read on her own. I prepared for Sunday's singing time and practiced my voice stuff. Now everyone wants a snack.
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