Tuesday, January 6, 2015

And... We're Back. January 6, 2015

I notice I just sort of disappear when it's time for a school break. I don't always see them coming. Even when I do, I don't always say - that's it for now.

Anyway, Christmas break started as many breaks do, when I simply don't manage to fit school into the day's plans anymore. December was spent with all the hulaballoo of Christmas programs, concerts, and recitals, as well as a long doctor's appointment. (That was the first two weeks.) The next week and a half was spent cleaning and packing and planning and shopping. I was more organized and neat on a vacation than I have ever been before, and it made vacation all the more lovely.

Then we spent 2 1/2 weeks including Christmas and New Year's in California and Arizona. Ahhhhh. It was lovely. We're back refreshed (mostly.)

We got home Saturday night, had a normal busy Sunday and spent yesterday trying to get things cleaned back up and organized.

Today we are back in the saddle.

I taught Joy School this morning. Then I couldn't resist having some school. Due to some personal things we have going on right now which will take from school time every day, I think I will only be able to have school go well if we simplify it still further. My hope for this month is to have a math class and reading and writing class and family reading time every school day. And if that's it, that's it. If I fit one additional thing in, I'd like it to be family work. Something like math in the morning when we get to it. Reading/ Writing in the afternoon when we get to it and for as long as it works.

Today I did my math homework and read up on the math curriculum we are about to start to prepare to teach Amy lessons. We also played a math game over lunch.

For reading and writing the girls colored and read a little.

If, like on vacation, my life was full only of reading and writing and drawing and math and games with my kids and others, I think it would be lovely. I guess I want a few more activites and responsibilities, but I do enjoy things simpler than my usual.

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